lundi 10 juillet 2023

Beer Way of Life S27


En Belle famille pour ce Monday avec une Etrange "Rock'n Roll"(Brasserie Baladin- Piozzo- Italy).

Resto Again, Adequation Again !!! This time with a Top "Voll Damm Draft"...

The Last Official Training Camp of the Season !!! Good Quality Time and a Bunch of "Singha's"...

The WorkBeerWeelk avec au Menu une "Ginette draft" et un Rad "Saint-Omer"...

The 16th Years Old BDAY of my Beloved Kids... Enjoy with a "4810 Sylvanus Triole"...

It's Friday on my Mind...With a FAN FAV "Lager du Moulin"...

Saturday Night before the DOUBLE STORM !!! Au Menu "OLdarki Draft "- "Licone Draft" et non- Jouissance ...

Never Stop Beersploring ...

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